Energy Connection Process

with Nancy Kobel

Are you constantly going, doing,

being for everyone else but yourself?

Ready to get off the treadmill?

Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Running?

What if there was a better way? A different way?

Too many directions, too many decisions, too little time… too much chaos and overwhelm!

Balancing work, life, family, friends, and fun, while including some self care, seems nearly impossible.  You know you aren’t living to your fullest potential and you feel trapped by your circumstances.

What if there was a quick way to find out how your own energy is working against you and for you? With this  insight, you can take action to shift your energy and your connections.

It is all about connection and energy and how energy (ours and others) impacts our relationships at work and at home and our ability to make positive changes that stick!

Are you ready to live your life today instead of waiting until someday when….?

Are you ready to get insights into how your energy is impacting your relationships, satisfaction, and joy, both at work and at home?

Are you ready to make huge positive changes now?

The Energy Connection Process includes the Energy Leadership IndexTM assessment, which gives you an E-Factor, and a 60 minute debrief session with me.  Your unique E-Factor will shine a light on where your energy is under normal circumstances and what happens when you experience chaos and overwhelm (aka: stress!). High E-Factors are associated with less stress and more satisfaction in all areas of life (relationships, career, finances, spirituality, family, and more), so we’ll also figure out how you can raise your E-Factor.

Sign up today for your assessment and debrief to gain insight into how you can live in peace among the chaos and how you can maximize your talents for more success.

meet nancy kobel

my story

Flashback. I was completely overwhelmed and stressed out.  I knew there had to be a different way.  I had two young children and I was trying to do it all.  You know the all – being the perfect everything – employee, mother, wife, entertainer, school volunteer, party planner, chef, grocery shopper, bill payer, christmas card sender, scrapbooker, tax payer, housekeeper… I was trying to be everything to everyone, having all of their needs and desires met, that by the time it was my turn I was exhausted.  Then I woke up and everything as I knew it was falling apart.

Flash Forward. Now a single mom with two teenagers, in an amicable co-parenting arrangement with my ex-husband (yes, we get along!).  I am no longer in that place of overwhelm. I have learned how to say no. I have learned how to say yes to me.  I have learned how to communicate my boundaries. I have someone else cleaning my house and someone else doing my taxes.  I have learned how to ask for help!

from chaos to calm

Less than a month after going through the Energy Leadership Index I was laid off from my corporate job.  As a single mom with two children in private school and a mortgage, my reaction was of complete calm.  I had learned to trust my intuition, that everything happens for a reason and I was completely supported. I was already planning my next steps and I was relieved.  I was excited to be able to enjoy my daughter’s drama trip to NYC to see Phantom of the Opera without the stress of “how far” behind I was going to be with work.  I was able to enjoy all my son’s graduation festivities (again without the job stress).  I was just completing my coaching certification, so timing was great.

Armed with the information from the Energy Leadership Index, and understanding the impacts of energy on my overall wellbeing, I get to choose what energy level I wish to engage in. When I don’t choose and I react; I get to get to reflect on what happened.  I’ve learned to listen to my intuition, trust my intuition (most of the time); say yes to me; ask for help and to say no to what doesn’t align with who I am and what I value.

I am a core energy coach, an intuitive coach, Reiki Practitioner, and author. During my journey of raising my own consciousness and waking up to greater leadership within myself, I have done (and continue to do) my inner work.  I have balanced both taking care of myself, my family and enjoying my life while creating a life that is calm amongst the chaos.  And when chaos hits – I consciously choose how to engage.